Turning 34 – Still (The) Ordinary

In the run up to my birthday (34 yesterday!) I had the sinking dual realisation that (i) I have still have spots and (ii) I now have wrinkles to accompany them (argh!).

My skincare routine is, at best, intermittent and with my wedding at the end of the year I know I haven’t got a lot of time to sort it out and there are no miracle cures for this sort of thing (if there are, please let me know!) .

As I am really trying to refine and streamline everything I have, the bathroom cabinet is going to be one of my main focusses this year for having fewer, better quality, hard working products (as an aside I am going to use up everything else as I just can’t bring myself to waste them by throwing them out but when they’re gone, they’re gone!


A few people had mentioned The Ordinary to me, so I did some research.

It took quite a while to figure out which products to use and in what order and when… but I have settled on the above for my morning routine and the below for my evening routine.


As the products are mainly about £5-£7 each, I have splashed out on the ASOS site to try quite a few as I reason that they amount to the price of one “good” cream. The main favourites that I have read about are the Hyaluronic Acid and the Advanced Retinoid 2%.

A week in and so far so good. Not a drastic change (which is to be expected) but my skin is definitely a little clearer. In any event, I think it’s just nice to spend a little more time on me and self-care and small changes lead up to big results.

With that in mind, this year I am going to blog and write more. I really enjoyed doing it when I started just over a year ago but I really fell off the wagon as a lot of other stuff got in the way. But I reason that the best time to make a change is now so, fingers crossed, prepare to see some more posts.

I’d love to hear what you’ve thought of any The Ordinary products you’ve tried.

Katie x

2 thoughts on “Turning 34 – Still (The) Ordinary

  1. Happy birthday for yesterday! I’m 33 this year and I still get spots too so you are not alone 😆 I also realised I needed to sort my skincare routine out when my wedding was fast approaching last year. I now use the Natio range as they are so natural I just find they do the best for my skin. I even tried to be all grown up and use serum at night time recently but there was just too much oil on my skin, cue more spots! Natural really is the best way forward for me but I’ll be interested to see how you get on with these products as it’s always nice to know of something else that works out there!


    1. Thank you! I think this affects so many people – I always thought I’d be spot free in my 20s and now I’m in my 30s! I’ve not heard of that brand so I’ll take a look 😃 I have an oil too – it’s the midnight recovery oil from Kiehl’s is lovely and sinks in (but not for use every day). They do a large free sample if you can get hold of it! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, I hope you’re enjoying the planning x

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